Steam finally shows a game’s size and download time before you click install


If you love computer games, there is no way you can not know Steam. Steam is a games store. Here you have a great collection of games to buy and for free. Steam is developed by Valve Corporation.

So the main problem with Steam is that we can not check the size of the games when downloading games. But with the latest update you can see the size and download time of the games. It will receive a beta update this week and all Steam users will be able to experience this feature in the coming weeks. This change comes after Valve updated its download page to provide more information in September. The overhaul included an improved section for storage management, as well as more information about the download and installation process. Valve redesigned its Steam library in 2019, making it easy to find games, watch what friends are playing and follow updates or news from game developers. Both the Discord and the Epic Games Store have pushed Valve to upgrade Steam, which has often lagged in usability and design. The latest download changes come as Valve prepares to launch its Steam Deck Handheld, and is no doubt designed to enhance its experience. Steam Deck goes on sale from February 25th.

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